Waste Reduction

As part of Applied Medical's mission, we endeavor to make a positive difference in reducing waste by implementing "Reuse, Reduce and Recycle" measures company-wide. We understand the importance of limiting the amount of hazardous waste generated from our manufacturing processes and have implemented measures to meet this goal, even with our continued growth in device production.

Minimizing Hazardous Waste Despite Growth in Production

From 2013 to 2019, our hazardous waste increased by only 2.8%, despite a 10% increase in our device production during the same time period.

Utilizing Programs to Reduce Waste and Increase Recycling

From 2013 to 2019, we have recycled 3,253 metric tons of waste as part of our ongoing programs and sustainability efforts.

Decreasing Product Packaging Waste

Applied Medical has converted to form-fit packaging on many products to decrease packaging materials and box size by as much as 30%.

Initiating Campus-Wide Programs to Recycle

We continue to identify opportunities company-wide to reuse, recycle or reduce waste as an alternative to disposal. We've initiated several programs to recycle materials, including raw and used plastic, scrap metal, pens and batteries. Additionally, since 2013, our paper recycling efforts have resulted in saving more than 17,000 trees.

Reducing Plastic Water Bottle Waste

To encourage waste reduction, we removed disposable plastic water bottles from our conference rooms. As part of this initiative, we also provided our team members with reusable water bottles to be used at our water refill stations around campus. In addition, our company store offers a variety of reusable items to further encourage sustainability.